Recette du shiso wakoucha glacé

Le mois de juin au Japon est bien connu pour ses journées très chaudes et pluvieuses. Nous avons donc décidé aujourd'hui de nous rafraîchir un peu avec ce délicieux mélange de jus de Shiso frais et d'une infusion froide de notre Wakoucha aux aiguilles de pin récolté en 2020 ! Ce Wakoucha est un thé noir japonais spécial en forme d'aiguille. De corps moyen, il [...]

5 façons de réutiliser vos feuilles de thé

Par Giedre Trumpiene Bonjour, amateurs de thé ! Ici Giedre. C'est une période de l'année passionnante dans le monde du thé, n'est-ce pas ? D'incroyables arômes et saveurs de sencha fraîchement pressé emplissent l'air ici à Obubu. Ce vendredi, pour changer un peu, j'aimerais parler de ce qui se passe après l'infusion du thé. Parfois, il est si [...]

Thé Sakura sucré 2020

Thé Sakura Marie Le thé à la cerise sucrée est également disponible cette année ! Qu'est-ce que le thé Obubu ? Obubu Intern Raw Tea Sample Sakuracha Cette année, Obubu prépare du thé à la cerise sucrée pour le printemps ! Au Japon, le thé aux cerises mariné avec du sel et du vinaigre de prune est courant et le plus bu, mais pour quelques [...]

Kayo's Tea Kitchen

Plat de thé ZUKUSHI Aujourd'hui, j'ai enseigné des plats de dégustation de thé à tous les étudiants stagiaires. Il est possible de cuisiner et de manger du thé ! Les types de thé que nous utiliserons aujourd'hui : Feuilles de thé fraîches Thé torréfié Thé en poudre Feuilles de thé infusées Thé Alors n'hésitez pas à essayer. Tempura de feuilles de thé fraîches Parce que ce n'est pas l'heure de la [...]

La magie du Hojicha

    À la question "Quel est votre thé préféré ?", un thé que je bois tous les jours est le Hojicha. Il est apaisant, robuste et constitue toujours un bon choix. Il se peut que mon opinion sur ce thé soit biaisée, mais une fois que vous l'aurez goûté, vous serez du même avis, je n'en doute pas ! [...]

Kai's Kitchen - Thé fin et brownies

Kai's Kitchen Fine Teas and Brownies Bonjour chers amis. Nous y voilà. Nous avons parcouru un long chemin, mais toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin. Mais ne croyez pas que ce n'est pas parce que c'est le dernier article de Kai's Kitchen que je n'ai pas voulu préparer un dernier plat satisfaisant pour vous tous. Nous avons [...]

Kai's Kitchen - Une entrée chargée d'histoire

Kai's Kitchen Une entrée chargée d'histoire Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de bon ? Bienvenue dans le cinquième épisode de la Cuisine de Kai ! Mesdames, messieurs, et tout le monde entre les deux, nous sommes arrivés au plat principal. Nous avons eu une entrée, une soupe, du poisson, une salade, et maintenant nous avons notre plat principal ! Pour quelque chose d'aussi important que [...]

La cuisine de Kai - Riz rôti et légumes-feuilles

Cuisine de Kai Riz rôti et légumes-feuilles Bienvenue à tous ! Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue pour un nouvel épisode de Kai's Kitchen qui vous mettra l'eau à la bouche ! Cette semaine, nous allons opter pour quelque chose d'un peu plus léger et de plus rafraîchissant. Le prochain plat que nous vous proposons est un nettoyeur de palais, mais reste profond et complexe en termes de saveur. [...]

Kai’s Kitchen – 1 Fish, 2 Teas

1 Fish, 2 Teas Kai’s Kitchen        Howdy all! We are back at it with more tea cooking, and this week I’ve found something very cool for you all. We are moving on to the later courses of our meal, so time for something a little more filling. We had amuse bouche (appetizer) […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Tea and Soup? A Matcha made in Heaven!

Kai’s Kitchen Soup and tea? A matcha made in heaven!         Buenos Dias friends! This week we are continuing our 6 course meal with something sweet and refreshing. After our first dish (Kabuse Parm Bruschetta), we are shooting for something a bit lighter, but still satisfying, so this week we have a light […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Brew, Bake, Fry; Ways to Cook with Tea!

Kai’s Kitchen Bake, Brew, and Fry; Ways to cook with tea!        Hello all! Here in Wazuka things are getting a little crazy. One of our founders, Matsu-san several years ago organized a town wide event called Chagenkyo Matsuri (or TeaTopia) where people from all over the area get together to talk tea, […]

Kai’s Kitchen- Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer

Kai’s Kitchen Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer         Hello all! Welcome back to Kai’s Kitchen. This week we kick things off by leaning a bit into the savory side of things. Japanese Tea is very well known for its insane umami flavor. Umami is a word overused and not very well […]

Kai’s Kitchen

Kai’s Kitchen Not Just for Brewing         The world of tea is a deep and ancient one. Japanese tea stretches back to the 9th century when a Buddihist monk brought the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) back from China and planted it in Kyoto, Uji. From that point, Japan has had tea ingrained into […]


Poudres de thé Obubu à base de Hojicha, Sencha et autres

Have you tried a Matcha ice cream, Matcha cookies or even a Matcha smoothie, yet? I bet you did! Matcha is going crazy all over the world in recent years. Not only because of the color of this famous tea powder, but also due to its many health benefits. What, if we told you that […]

Japanese tea & dessert pairings

Pairings with Japanese tea and desserts exist albeit uncommon. Matcha is a popular choice for many although the variety that Japanese tea could offer is fascinating. One will be surprised how it could pair well with foods such as desserts. Dessert and tea have both their own unique character.  When paired together, it makes one harmonious […]

Dessert Ideas: Matcha Truffles

Matcha truffles? Much has been already said about matcha’s numerous health benefits. If the antioxidant properties or caffeine dose is not enough to convince you to stock matcha powder in your pantry, then a persuasion through desserts is in order. Festive season is upon us and soon it will be time for fun gatherings together […]

Matcha Chia Pudding

Matcha Chia Pudding (serves one or two people) Increase the benefitsthat Matcha is provides by combining the green gold with another super food. In recent years chia seeds from South America have found their way in to the kitchens of numerous health conscious people. Enjoy it as a dessert to round off your meal or […]

A New approach to Japanese Tea and a Chai Latte Recipe

The first thought that comes to everybody’ s mind when hearing ‘Japanese tea’ is an emerald green tea, natural in its flavour and filled full of umami flavours. Here is big news for everyone that didn’t know: some Japanese Farmers also produce black tea, known as Wakocha. Japan, a great green tea producing nation, opened […]

Lahpet Thoke- A Tea Salad from Myanmar

At Obubu, we’re very fond of our tea experiments. Therefore, at every tea tour we all enjoy a beautiful Kabuse Sencha salad. Basically, after brewing Kabuse Sencha three times to extract all the bitterness- Kabuse is a perfect choice for a tea salad, since it is a shaded tea, resulting in softer, sweeter leaves- we […]

Kombucha for Japan

‘The tea of immortality’ – the name given to Kombucha back in ancient China during the Tsin dynasty (B.C. 211), although the origins have been lost in the mists of time. This name gives us an insight into the truly special qualities of this unique tea and its beneficial effects on the body. Various Kombucha creations made […]

The Best Japanese Iced Tea Recipe

Homemade iced tea is the perfect summer drink for those warm evenings in the garden, sharing with guests at barbecues or to accompany your lazy weekend brunch. Our recipe uses the cold brew method, achieved by steeping the tealeaves in cold water and leaving them overnight. This means that less catechins, which are responsible for the bitterness […]

Genmaicha- and Hojicha Pasta

for 4 portions 3 cups (approximately 400 g) of plain flour 1 cup (approximately 250 ml) of water 3 tbsp of Genmaicha Powder (15g) salt 1. Mix the flour together with the Genmaicha-or Hojicha powder and add a pinch of salt. 2. While stiring, add water slowly 3. Knead the dough until you get a […]

Fuel your day with green tea smoothies

‘-Once up- on a time on the planet of tea lovers and there happened to be a cup of fresh Japanese green tea that was, driven by curiosity, eager to widen its horizons with the aim of gaining deeper knowledge of the world of flavors. In order to get inspiration it decided to go on […]

Chagayu (Tea Porridge)

Recommended for those who follow a vegetarian/vegan diet or for someone who is ill:   Ingredients for 3-4 people Rice 150g/180ml (roughly rinsed) Water 540-720cc Bagged Houjicha 12g   Bring the water to a boil. Once boiled put Hojicha in, simmer it for a few minutes until the tea colour comes out. Then take out […]

Piece of cake: an easy guide to making matcha dessert

Innovative matcha recipes are a common fad in the current food scene. Borrowed from Japan and topped with a Western twist – it seems that the trend sometimes spotlights green food pizzazz instead of the rich, umami flavour that matcha brings to the plate. Since matcha green delicatessens are common in Japan for many years now, we decided to strip our recipe down to basics… So, meet […]