Macarons au matcha et ganache au chocolat blanc

Bonjour tout le monde ! Je suppose que vous connaissez les macarons si vous êtes sur le site français ! Il y a beaucoup de célèbres pâtissiers français qui choisissent rigoureusement des saveurs et qui les combines en cette merveille appelée macaron. Un des plus connus ; Pierre Hermé possède plusieurs pâtisseries dans le monde et a […]

Du thé à base de tiges?

Vous avez déjà entendu qu’il était possible de faire du thé appelé « hone » à partir de tiges ? « Hone » signifie os en japonais et on entend souvent ce mot venant des agriculteurs de thé au Japon. Aujourd’hui je vais vous en apprendre un peu plus sur le monde du thé japonais ! Pour vous […]

Farm to cup

D’où vient le thé ? Vous êtes-vous déjà interrogé sur l’origine du thé que vous retrouvez dans votre tasse ? Qu’en est-il des exploitations qui produisent et récoltent cette culture ? La majorité des thés achetés en magasin et sur internet sont homogénéisés, mélangés, c’est-à-dire qu’ils proviennent de plusieurs fermes et de différentes zones. La majeure […]

Tea Of The Month – juillet 2022

Le thé du mois de juillet- Sencha naturel avec George Bienvenue pour un nouveau Obubu Tea Of The Month avec le seul et l’unique, George ! L’été est très chaud et humide à Wazuka, notre chère ville du thé. Ca signifie que le meilleur moyen de rester en forme est de s’hydrater avec une bonne tasse […]

Cupcakes citron-matcha & Muffins matcha-myrtilles

Bonjour à vous ! Cette semaine, je n’ai pas une, mais deux recettes à vous proposer ! J’avais deux contraintes : Jouer sur la combinaison matcha/fruits. Des fruits légèrement acides, comme la framboise ou le yuzu, font des merveilles avec le matcha ! Faire une pâtisserie de type gâteau : moelleux, doux, réconfortant…tout ce qu’on […]

Focaccia à la poudre genmaicha

La focaccia est un pain plat italien, à base de farine de blé et d’huile d’olive, dont l’équivalent français est la fougasse. Elle est souvent assaisonnée avec des herbes de provence, thym, romarin, origan, ou à la tomate…là, c’est une version avec de la poudre de genmaicha ! Je publie souvent des recettes qui nécessitent […]

Crème brûlée au wakoucha, thé noir japonais

Un beau jour, un midi, alors que nous parlions des prochaines recettes de cuisine à faire avec Mikie – ma co-stagiaire -, nous avons demandé à George et Moe, avec qui nous partagions la table, s’ils avaient des idées de dessert. Des étoiles dans les yeux et un petit air malicieux, George suggère, avec son […]

Cookies houjicha, amandes et deux chocolats

En tant que personne carburant au sucre, j’ai toujours un peu de place dans mon coeur (et mon estomac) pour un petit quelque chose sucré. Cependant, vivant à la campagne (ce qui est d’ailleurs très cool), ça me prendrait beaucoup de temps pour aller à l’épicerie acheter des douceurs. Comment remédier à ça ?! C’est […]

Recette inaugurale : tarte matcha-genmai !

Aujourd’hui est l’inauguration du blog français d’Obubu ! Et puisqu’il faut bien commencer quelque part…commençons par une petite douceur ! Ici Claire, stagiaire chez Obubu depuis début juillet. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu ! Obubu est le lieu idéal pour toutes sortes d’expérimentations relatives au thé : infusions chaudes, froides, glacées, thés verts, noirs, grillés…et cuisine bien sûr […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Tea and Soup? A Matcha made in Heaven!

Kai’s Kitchen Soup and tea? A matcha made in heaven!         Buenos Dias friends! This week we are continuing our 6 course meal with something sweet and refreshing. After our first dish (Kabuse Parm Bruschetta), we are shooting for something a bit lighter, but still satisfying, so this week we have a light […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Brew, Bake, Fry; Ways to Cook with Tea!

Kai’s Kitchen Bake, Brew, and Fry; Ways to cook with tea!        Hello all! Here in Wazuka things are getting a little crazy. One of our founders, Matsu-san several years ago organized a town wide event called Chagenkyo Matsuri (or TeaTopia) where people from all over the area get together to talk tea, […]

Kai’s Kitchen- Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer

Kai’s Kitchen Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer         Hello all! Welcome back to Kai’s Kitchen. This week we kick things off by leaning a bit into the savory side of things. Japanese Tea is very well known for its insane umami flavor. Umami is a word overused and not very well […]

Kai’s Kitchen

Kai’s Kitchen Not Just for Brewing         The world of tea is a deep and ancient one. Japanese tea stretches back to the 9th century when a Buddihist monk brought the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) back from China and planted it in Kyoto, Uji. From that point, Japan has had tea ingrained into […]


Obubu Tea Powders using Hojicha, Sencha and more

Have you tried a Matcha ice cream, Matcha cookies or even a Matcha smoothie, yet? I bet you did! Matcha is going crazy all over the world in recent years. Not only because of the color of this famous tea powder, but also due to its many health benefits. What, if we told you that […]

【Kyoto, Uji, Wazuka】Tea Picking and Rolling Event

  Obubu organizes Tea Picking and Rolling Events 3 times a year to celebrate Japanese tea harvesting seasons.   This event is one of popular activities for tea lovers from all over the world. We believe that is because we have welcomed over 90 interns who love Japan and Japanese tea; and who always warmly […]


Kyobancha is a green tea that is unique to the Kyoto region. I was fortunate enough able to experience this tea from farm to cup, and I wanted to share it! Kyobancha is a large leaf green tea that is roasted. The leaves are large because it is made from the leaves that survived during […]

Matcha Pt.3: What is Matcha?

For the last two weeks, I have talked about matcha tea ceremonies, matcha tea utensils, and now it is finally time to talk about matcha itself! In this post I want to break down how the tea is made.   First and foremost, to create a baseline, it is important to first explain aracha and […]

Matcha Pt.2: Obon Temae Matcha Utensils

Last week, I had a chance to see a tea ceremony and try portions of it out! This week, I thought that it would be interesting follow that post up with the teaware used during the ceremony, as well as give some tips on whisking matcha! As part of the tea ceremony event, we tried […]

Matcha Pt.1: Nodate Tea Ceremony in Wazuka

    As part of my trip to Japan, one thing I wanted to experience was a tea ceremony! Luck would have it that last Sunday in Wazuka, the town Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms is located in, had one! This will actually be part one of my three part mini-series on matcha. Matcha has become […]

Comparing Seasonal Sencha Green Teas

Last week, I wrote about shaded (Kabuse) green teas and I said that I would talk about unshaded (Roji) teas this week. However, I realized that it actually might be more useful to talk about harvesting seasons and why they are important, purely because most plants around the world are left unshaded in order to […]

Comparing Shaded Japanese Green Teas

Last week, I started TEA 101, and the goal of the series is to share what I am learning about tea with you! In the first post, I broke down different common green teas in Japan. Now, I want to go into more detail about each one. This week will be about shaded teas! Shaded […]

Guide to Common Japanese Green Teas

Since I am living at Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms in Japan, it seemed most fitting to start a series focused on tea: TEA 101! The first post I wanted to write was a guide to common Japanese green teas. The concept behind TEA 101 is pretty loose but the main goal is to share what […]

Chakabuki Event

Over the weekend, I was able to take part in a Chakabuki here in Wazuka! A chakabuki, in short, is a blind tea tasting game that is played in Japan. I’ve never been to one before, so I thought it would be fun to bring everyone along! Chakabuki was originally played by the aristocrats, but […]

Adventures in Tea! Issue 4: Conclusion (For Now?)

Hi everyone! My name is Jessica, and I’m the author/illustrator for Adventures in Tea! Thank you to everyone for reading my mini-series! I spent a great time at Obubu learning about Japanese tea, and this mini-series was my way of showing people what I’ve been learning and giving everyone a little bit of cuteness and […]