Assistant Manager Blog by Alix [Autumn 2024]

Hello everyone! Welcome to my third blog about my adventures as an Obubu Assistant Manager! Autumn in rural Japan is the season of higanbana (red spider lilies), persimons, chestnuts, beautiful fall colours everywhere, and cooler weather (we finally brought out kotatsus in Obubu house!). It was also my third quarter at Obubu, marking my transition from […]

Its A Boba World

Once upon a time, there lived three little seeds. There was a tea seed, a milk seed, and a tapioca seed. Each was sent down from the Empriese himself. The seeds were sent out to travel the world and find the best place to put down roots. With that order, they each departed ways and […]

An unexpected party – Assistant Manager Blog by Marcello [Autumn 2024]

My name is Marcello, and I’m from Italy. I recently joined the Assistant Manager Team as its 7th member. I studied at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Piedmont. But my passion for tea started at an early age while I lived in the UK. As well as drinking it daily I also went […]

Cultivating Knowledge: Enjoying the Outdoors in Wazuka

by CC Monett (Intern #183) Instagram: @cc__emx Interning at Obubu Tea Farms this autumn has been a blend of physical labor, knowledge-sharing, and deepening connections to the land and plants that make this place so special. One of the projects I’ve taken on here is crafting a guide to gardening and farming, specifically aimed at […]

Awabancha Adventures in Shikoku

As the golden colors of autumn spread across the Japanese countryside, there’s a special kind of magic that happens here at Obubu in the fall. This season marks a time of both reflection and preparation. It’s a period of transition—where the heat of summer slowly gives way to the crisp, cool air of autumn. With things beginning […]

Soul of autumn (秋の魂)

Catch the soul of the seasons Through flowers, poems and wagashi … In a book to feel season changes and experiment what Nagori (名残) and Natsukashii (懐かしい) are. Nagori is nostalgic feelings about things or situations that ended or that is ending. Natsukashii is also nostalgic feelings about happy memories which can warmth your (the) […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Alix [Summer 2024]

Hello everyone! You might have read my Spring Blog about my first quarter at Obubu. If you are interested in learning more about what assistant managers get up to in the summer and what I did in my second quarter here, keep reading! Summer in Japan is no joke: 37°C at 80% humidity is what the […]

Christmas baking with Obubu Tea!

Intern #185 Clover Tan When deciding on my project, I was inspired to combine Japanese tea with Christmas desserts, a pairing not often associated with the holiday season. I thought this unique twist could add to the festive vibe and offer a fresh way to enjoy the holiday spirit. I’ve always believed that taste has […]

2024 National Hand Rolling Competition experience

Hello, staff member Pau here. On the 14th of November, the National Hand Rolling Competition was held in the city of Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture. As per tradition, the Wazuka Hand Rolling Preservation Society participated, representing Wazuka in the competition. If you missed the news, last year’s team, consisting of Kenta-san, Simona, and our very own […]

Imagining Tea

Here at Obubu, we often say: “Tea is freedom”. And while it usually denotes the flexibility of brewing parameters, and the subjective nature of how we perceive taste, I think this saying serves to remind us to explore the deeper potential of tea. Tea is more than a drink; it’s an invitation to pause, to […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Pau [Summer season]

After the spring harvest, we had a bit of a downtime from extensive fieldwork like harvesting. Soon after, we switched to farming mode again to prepare for summer harvest and also had the chance to do some deep cut trimming in our somada field, where we harvest our kabuse sencha. Usually, tea bushes get a […]

Tea History in Depth

An Overview of the Commodity and its Trade in Japan from 538 AD to 2024 AD Jack A. Ryan Obubu Intern #180 Foreword About the Author and Introduction This work is a brief primer which focuses on the commodity and trade history of tea in Japan. The impetus for the writing of this document stemmed […]

closeup of a bud growing from a tea bush

Experimenting with Oolong Tea Processing

Hello, I’m Holden (Intern #179). Getting the chance to work on a tea farm is a unique opportunity, so naturally I wanted to make as much tea as I could. At first I wanted to make post-fermented teas like awabancha since that seemed like an interesting project, however, after trying awabancha I learned I didn’t […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Pau [Spring season]

Spring is by far the busiest period of the year at the farm. It is high season for tourism, so we welcomed many guests for our 4-hour tours and our other experiences. For farming, the season started with a late winter harvest for Kyobancha. Then we started with early trimming, shading and many other preparations […]

Cooking with Tea: Matcha Madeleine

Introduction Madeleines is a type of French small sponge cake, with a characteristic shell-like shape. For the French author Proust, in “In Search of Long Time”, the madeleine represents how blocked memories can involuntarily be invoked. With this matcha madeleine recipe, we hope to bring back your memories and experiences from the tea fields, or if […]

Exploring the Art of Photography and Tea Farming: A Journey Through Light and Leaf

Photography, in all its forms, has been a lifelong passion of mine. From the  tactile experience of darkroom work to the precision of digital imaging, each method offers a unique view of the world, reflecting vision in different ways. You’re probably wondering what a tea farm has to do with this type of art? Surprisingly, […]

Beekeeping in Japan and Tea infused honey

By Jason McLoughlin – Intern #178 Beekeeping, primarily for honey production, has a long and varied history around the world and began around 10,000 years ago with evidence of beekeeping in ancient Egypt, China and Greece amongst others. In Japan, the oldest record of beekeeping can be traced back to the 7th century in Nihon […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Sarah [2023.09月 – 2024.09月]

One year as an Assistant Manager at Obubu みなさん こんにちわ! This is Sarah and, together with Pau, I joined Obubu as an Assistant Manager in September 2023. It is now the end of my program, and I wish to give a brief summary of how incredible this year at Obubu has been. Following on my […]

Growing tea, growing people

-My long visit at Obubu- I’ve been at Obubu for just about two weeks – gone too fast – my experience of Obubu has been one similar to the anthropologist conducting participant observation, where each day brings new experiences and realisations, grateful to be allowed into a community and have the chance to take part […]

Specialty Tea Soda’s

The following blog is about some specialty teas I decided to use, one of which Obubu has and another I was able to enjoy and learn about while in Japan. These two teas are Sakura tea and Awabancha.  For the first specialty tea that I decided to use was sakura sencha which is a blended […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Alix [Spring 2024]

Hello everyone ! My name is Alix and I am Assistant Manager #6 at Obubu. I come from the North-West of France (Brittany and Normandy !) and I studied agriculture and food engineering. My combined interest in Japanese culture and high quality products of origin pushed me to apply for this amazing opportunity. I am so excited […]

Black tea & Roasted tea Soda

In this blog post I decided to make sodas with Wakoucha or Japanese Black Tea and Kyobancha. You can learn more about Wakoucha here in the Introduction to Wakoucha : Japanese Black tea blog. I noticed while looking at the different projects that past interns have made and was captivated by one called  Iced Shiso […]

Tea On the Rise: Sencha or Wakoucha? by #177 Noe

I was lucky that my grandparents served me both sencha (Japanese green tea) and wakoucha (Japanese black tea) every time I visited them in Japan. But as I grew up in New York, my encounters with these teas were reserved to their home for the most part, and the global popularity of the two types […]

Green tea soda‘s

For this blog I decided to make green tea or sencha soda as Japan is known for green tea. Blog post What’s in a Name? Part 1: Matcha, Tencha, and Sencha. It discusses the differences in all of these different teas and what I will be using as the main teas in this blog. With […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Pau [Winter season]

After the Autumn harvest, and having had the chance to process the autumn moon tea and plenty of Bancha, we headed to the fields to do some trimming work. Trimming quickly became my favorite filed work activity, it is a bit more technical than harvesting or other activities. It requires a lot of attention to […]