Rapport de la ferme de thé d'automne d'Akky-san

Hey, everyone! How are you doing? Autumn is well on the way! Winter will be here before you know it! The cold weather has arrived😱!

It’s so cold! It’s cold in the morning and evening, but it’s cold during the day too! The weather was kind of gloomy all day long.

We’ve started harvesting the autumn bancha tea! The second harvest season is done, and the third and fourth tea are coming soonJ! It’s getting pretty long😁.

This is the part where we are blowing the fallen leaves🍂 with a blower. There are a lot of fallen leaves in autumn, so it’s hard work!

After blowing, we hand out tea bags and get ready to harvest!

I’m harvesting this year’s autumn bancha tea with a Japanese intern named Shota! He is a nice young man with a lot of experience overseas! He has spent much time in Mexico and would like to introduce more tea to South America in the Future.

Oh! It’s a big harvest!😄. The harvested tea leaves are then loaded onto a light truck and taken to the factory!

We left the tea plantation after piling them up on the light truck and roping them off♪

We left the tea plantation with a lot of tea leaves in the truck and ropes. Looking forward to it☺️. 

Have a great day! Thank you so much😭.

– Akky

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