Événement de thé japonais à Düsseldorf - 9 septembre 2014

This year Obubu Euro Tour has expanded into more countries and cities, but Dusseldorf in Germany is one of a few locations where we came back for the second time. Last year we visited Schennong Tea Lounge to hold a tea event and this year they were very kind to invite us again. There were only a couple of weeks to prepare for the event, but even that was enough time to gather 16 guests, that apparently visit Schennong quite frequently for tea.

Probably because the venue was quite familiar to everyone or because of subtle Japanese music int he background, the atmosphere was very easy and relaxed. Last year Matsu-san needed to make a few yoga poses for everyone to break out into laughter, but this year everyone was already relaxed and smiling. Mr. Hopmann, the leader of the venue, helped us again with translating the event into German, because all we could say was gutten tag, and danke schon.

Since Mr. Hopmann had recently got a stonemill from Japan (how much love for tea!), guests could try grinding Matcha before Matsu-san started showing to to prepare a cup of it. It was great to meet new and returning quests, as well as chat with M. Hopmann and his staff members about tea: present and future. And even better, it is not a long goodbye, as Schennong crew will be coming to Wazuka soon.

Publié dans World Tours.