Ateliers de thé japonais à Milan - 6-7 octobre 2015

DSC08665Another new stop on our Euro Tour was Milan. We have heard about the Italian Tea Culture Association before from our Italian guests who come to our tea farm, but only decided to contact the association this year. Luckily, Barbara Sighieri, the secretary of the association, had her own tea house called La Teiera Eclettica and was really welcoming with a suggestion to hold the events there.


DSC08661Believing that Milan had already a nice circle of tea lovers, we decided to hold two Japanese Tea Workshops: one focused on Matcha and one on Sencha. While Matcha is trending around Europe, to our surprise, Sencha workshop received more interest. Both events were full with a tea-thirsty audience. Some guests even joined both events. And we could even see some familiar faces – Gaia and Ulisse, who visited our tea farm in Wazuka a few months prior.


DSC08924DSC08714Matsu-san tried to make a small speech in Italian, and afterwards Barbara helped us to translate from English to Italian. Both events had some hands on experience in small groups: either Matcha making or Sencha brewing, so everyone could make some new tea friends.
DSC08927We are really grateful to Barbara and Steven for agreeing to host us without even knowing us and for such a warm-hearted hospitality. We hope we can see you again next year.



Publié dans World Tours.