Ateliers de thé japonais à Madrid les 8 et 9 mars 2017

2017-madrid-2Madrid surprised us again by how many people wanted to learn about Japanese tea! With the help of our past intern Anna Poian and our friend tea sommelier Charo as well as the support from the Japan Foundation in Spain, we could visit this bubbly city for the second time.

This year we had three events. One was held in collaboration with the Japan Foundation at their own venue. A cosy number of people came and our intern Anna helped to translate the presentation into Spanish.

2017-madrid-3The other two events were held at a beautiful Japanese restaurant called NikoNiko. Two workshops on Matcha and Hojicha drew a full house, and it appears we already knew quite a few people from our past events in Madrid.

These events have also allowed three different generations of past Obubu interns to meet. Even if it seems we that lost some of the tea items in Madrid it was wonderful to meet old and new friends!


Publié dans World Tours.

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