#131 Lourdes


Hello! I am intern #131! Before we start, I wrote this amateurish haiku to reflect my adventures at Obubu, please excuse me:

Obubu means tea
Tea means friends and adventures
Happy memories

– Lourdes 2022


I was working as a midwife in the UK and helping with the implementation of a digital system for our Trust! Also, I was not going through a very good time due to the effects of the “C-virus” on our social and working lives so I went on a career break. I had my eyes on the Obubu internship for a while but never had the guts or time to apply for it. It was only a “what if”, right? With the career break, I thought this is the time to do it. As a long-time geek, tea drinker, and Japanese culture lover I decided to apply to Obubu on a whim one evening when I felt brave enough. And surprisingly, I got selected!


I cannot remember how I discovered Obubu but I could feel the good vibes from the team and I felt it would be a place where I would find kindred spirits!


Traveling to Japan and sorting paperwork for a visa during COVID-19 times was not a straightforward feat! On arrival in Wazuka, the kind bus driver helped me find the right stop, and George and Kayo-san welcomed me with a cup of tea. I also met interns #129 and #130 Marie and Justin! We had okonomiyaki in the evening as a celebratory welcome. Saya-chan (#132) and Laura (#133) joined days after! [HERE] you can see more info about them!

May was very busy with the Spring harvest. My body got stronger day after day and, for a person that is not usually active, it was awesome to see how much my body could do! June and July calmed down a bit but the hot weather and that horrible heat wave were something I really struggled with (thank you aircon!). On my days off I would travel solo to Kyoto or Nara or organize little escapades with my fellow interns and new friends! I would also get my mother hen side out and maybe try too hard to look after everyone when probably the one that needed looking after was me.

I managed to do a few little projects: I wrote the series of HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN TEA, designed alongside Marie and Laura the Obubu´s Tea Tasting Guide and sheet, and recorded the rain ASMR video for youtube. I feel happy that I was able to use my creative side and also my passion to educate people.


I am sad to leave Japan and Obubu… this has been such an amazing experience and I cannot thank Oububu enough for this opportunity. At the moment I will continue my job as a midwife (it is another of my passions after all) but I know this is not the end of my Japanese green tea adventures! I want to promote and educate about tea to the world so watch the space!

Please excuse my intern video fantastically edited and filmed by Justin… I was feeling very nervous!