Fête du thé japonais à Düsseldorf - 3 octobre 2013

Another fun day in Dusseldorf with Japanese tea enthusiast and a lot of Obubu tea! Having stayed up late chatting with Daisuke and Lucilia, our friends organizing all the stay in Germany, we didn`t rush to get up early and spent some time with their lovely daughters.

The second event in Dusseldorf was scheduled in the afternoon, so after having some mussels at a local restaurant – Lucilia`s recommendation, we leisurely went to Soba-an, a tea soba house that was glad to host our tea party. This time Taiyo-san helped us by making Obubu`s presentation in German, while his wife made some delicious Japanese sweets. Matsu-san too was in a mood of experimenting and instead of the traditional matcha prepared matcha latte.

The tea party felt a little more like a gathering of friends rather than a public event and Matsu-san was even able to meet someone he met almost 7 years ago during the first Obubu`s event in Tokyo. Quite a pleasure also was to see our international tea club member Frank, who has been enjoying regular supply of our teas for a long while. We are really happy to have some long-lasting friendships and we hope in future our tea friends circle will expand even more.

Next check out our adventures in France.

Publié dans World Tours.