Alexander Dubovoy

From California but currently living in Berlin, Germany.

Intern #135

Instagram: @dubomeow 

Alex has a dragonfly on his shoulder and is next to a tea field


I hadn’t really worked in tea previously! Usually, I’m working as a computer programmer. I’m also a jazz musician. Sometimes, I’m able to merge these interests by coding for arts organizations like Groupmuse. But, I’ve had a longstanding love for Japanese tea and wanted to experience it more fully, so I decided to take a break from my other work and come to Obubu.



I’ve been learning Japanese for a few years now, and it was such an incredible experience to be able to immerse in the language. For my project “People of Wazuka”, I interviewed people around Wazuka in Japanese and then wrote up the interviews in Japanese and English.

You can usually find me here in the kitchen at the intern house. I’m either sampling a new one of Obubu’s teas or cooking. I love to cook and have had a lot of fun making communal meals with the interns.



I’m headed back to Germany! That is, if I’m able to pack all the tea I’ve purchased. But, I have a feeling I’ll be back in Japan before too long ✈️



People of Wazuka: Toshi-san

Les habitants de Wazuka : Tadao Hori, maire de Wazuka

Les gens de Wazuka : Shouhouji Head Abbot Tetsudo Ozeki