Andre Go

Jakarta, Indonesia

Intern #119



Avant Obubu

I come from a tea trading family and I would like to pursue the same career path as my father and grandfather. I am slowly learning about the business and the origin of tea domestically and internationally from my father.


Pourquoi Obubu

Japanese tea in general caught my attention as the popularity keeps growing all over the world and I would like to know more about it. I also believe that Japanese tea field management with modern machineries should be implemented in other places to boost the agriculture production and overcome labor shortage in the future.


Pendant Obubu

I was at Obubu Spring 2020 and I had a lot of experiences both in the tea field and factory. All the Obubu family are really helpful and willing to share their knowledge and they are very passionate with tea. With their help, I could understand the purpose of their activity in the tea field and the processing method to produce delicious tea.


Après Obubu

I will bring my knowledge that I have learnt here to Indonesia and I will share it with people in tea industry in Indonesia and implement it.

You can find out more about my experience at Obubu in the video below: