How is Matcha Made & Brewing (PM Session)

Date et heure :
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm on 28 Août 2021

Localisation :

Description :

What is Matcha and how is it made? Matcha is often thought of as the quintessential Japanese tea at the core of Japanese Tea Culture. In this Matcha Education session we will cover the core essentials which you need to know. Starting from a brief introduction to the history of Matcha before moving to the current day and looking at How Matcha is Made and a Matcha Brewing Session. All hosted by us, The Tea Farmers, with our unique position in the heart of the Kyoto Tea Production area in our tea town.

*The course does not include tea. Please make sure that you prepare your own Matcha or make a purchase from our website at least two weeks in advance via DHL to be able to brew along with us.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on an adventure to the world of Japanese Tea from our Tea Farm, see you soon!


Les réservations sont closes pour cet événement.

Publié dans Online Tea Education.

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