Dégustation de thé japonais à Amsterdam - 5 octobre 2015


DSC08515After a year we had a chance to return to Amsterdam for another go. This year we were welcomed by a young copy writer Glynis Kromopawiro. To tell the truth, we met Glynis in our Amstelween event last year and it seems she got really interested in tea, that she suggested to help organize a tea event in Amsterdam.


DSC08512The event venue, called Wildernis, was also Glynis’s idea – and what an interesting fusion of the two greens: green plans and green tea. Surrounded by so much greenness we immediately felt at ease.


DSC08524For the event we were only expecting 14 people to come, but more than 20 showed up and we had to quickly find more space for everyone to sit. Even some Japanese people, longing for familiar green tea, joined the event. While some of our teas got lost in the post, everyone could still try a few different kinds, such as Bancha, Sencha and Matcha.


Thank you to Glynis for the help in organizing such a relaxed and fun event.

Publié dans World Tours.