Événements relatifs au thé japonais à Oxford 6 mars 2017

2017-oxford-2Oxford is one of those places that you want to come back again and again. Especially that we get to hold our tea events at one of the oldest universities – Oxford University. All thanks to James Thirlwall, the founder of Chayou Tea et Elixir Living Tea, who lured us to Oxford during our second Europe Tour in 2014.

2017-oxford-3This year two student societies helped in finding the room and organizing the events, so we could hold two tea events in Oxford: Matcha workshop and a workshop on Japanese tea. It was nice to see that students in Oxford are curious about Japanese tea.

2017-oxford-4After one day of teaching about tea, the next day we got to learn something ourselves. James took us to the woods around oxford to see Anagama kiln project. Led by Oxford academics and build by Japanese artisans – the kiln fires Japanese style banko pottery. Robert, the leader of the project, gave us a lecture about how the kiln works and the kinds of pottery made here.

The day was finished with the English afternoon tea – tea served with sandwiches, scones and other sweets. Such a wonderful day, especially that the obubu’s future intern – Kate could also join the events. We will meet here again in April when she starts here internship in Obubu.


Publié dans World Tours.

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