Miyu Fujimoto

Fukuoka, Japan

Intern #127


Avant Obubu

Tea is essential things for me. I has drunk Japanese tea from Kagoshima with my family since I was little kid. When I was a high school student, I joined Japanese tea ceremony club. I found how special Japanese tea, but most young people drink Japanese tea with pet-bottles not Kyusu, so I want to share charm of Japanese tea to young people more!

Pourquoi Obubu

Obubu tea farm has already focused on social media and tea education to the world, so I wanted to know their business directly.

Pendant Obubu

Because of coronavirus situation, I don’t have any internship co-members during the time, however several volunteers who were interested in tea and farming came here and sometimes stay in Obubuhouse together. We worked at tea field on Sunny days and packed tea leaves on rainy days. I could understand several styles of Japanese tea and processes of making Japanese tea in the tea factory.
Every day, every time was wonderful time for me.

Après Obubu
I will follow Mastu san (Obubu family) and visit to Nagasaki 長崎 to learn 長崎 tea there. I want to learn other Japanese tea and their business style more in other areas related to Japanese tea during my gap-year time.