Assistant Manager blog WJ Justin [2023.02月~03月]

Hello everyone! It’s me, WJ Justin! Coming back with updates from February to March. It feels like time flies so fast! February and March passed in a flesh! How was your February and March? Well, for me, I think it was very intense with a lot things happened at Obubu. And, I would like share them with you.


It snowed a lot on February too! To be honest, I didn’t think I’ll see the snowing in Wazuka. But, it was really nice to see the town covered in a snow, SO BEAUTIFUL! And, with some plum blossoms starting to bloom, I could feel the spring is coming little by little.

One of our main work was to make Sweet Sakura Tea. Well, it took a lot of efforts to make them. To make Sweet Sakura Tea, we had to wash in cold water, separate flowers one by one, dry them, and preserve them into sugars. I think everyone would agree that separating flowers was the hardest work because you have to sit and keep doing it all day. There were so many flowers to work on and it took about 1~2 weeks to finish all of them. But, it felt really great after finishing them together. 

Also, we had to work on replacing shades for Blue Forest Tea Garden (青い森). Because some of shades are too old or broken, we had to make new one to replace them. So, we had to spread a long shade on a ground and put hooks on it. I guarantee, it may look easy, but it was pretty hard! 

For me, February is a special month because my birthday is on Valentien’s Day! And, I got a special birthday cake, a Matcha Strawberry Cake made with Obubu’s Matcha! Thanks to our intern Tran who’s a master at baking, we could enjoy a very delicious cake together. Seriously, this was the best birthday cake I’ve ever had. Again, thank you Tran! 


Well, I’d say March was so beautiful because of Sakura flower blooming all over the place. In warm spring, it was really nice to enjoy seeing beautiful Sakura flowers.

On the first day of March, we started harvesting Kyobancha. I’d say it was like doing harvesting and trimming at the same time! Since one of my favorite teas is Kyobancha, I was excited how this Kyobancha will turn out! 

And, we welcomed 3 new interns! Gaelle, Sarah, and Jiaen! It’s always nice to see the office crowded with many interns. It was nice to work on managing tea fields, doing tea tours, and enjoying Obubu’s life style with many interns.

After welcoming new interns, we got a big project, managing a new facility! On March, Obubu got a new house and Factory right next to the office building! By these new facilities, we became able to welcome more interns and assistant manger! So, our mission was to make them clean again! 

Although it wasn’t an easy work to clean these huge facilities, it was really nice to see them becoming nice and clean! I really appreciate everyone for working hard to clean them. So, I got to move to a new house and I really like living in this new house! 

Well, since I started working at Obubu from September last year, it’s very interesting there’s always something new going on! And, I think this makes really makes us motivated to enjoy Obubu’s life more and more. I’m just glad that I’m having fun in Obubu and can’t wait to see what will happen on next month! I’ll come back with new updates! 

As always, thank you so much and…


Publié dans Adventures In Tea!, Japanese Tea, Monthly Assistant Manager Blog, Tea Agriculture, Wazuka et étiqueté , , , , , .

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