visite sans déjeuner

Itty demandée il y a 5 ans

I am Jewish and eat only Kosher food; I would like to book a tour without lunch.  is it possible? 
also – all the tea taste is 100% leaves and natural? 

1 Réponses
Obubu le personnel répondue il y a 5 ans

Dear Itty, thank you for the question and interest in our tea tours. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the food during lunch is Kosher, as the restaurant is small and does not have Kosher certification. However, there are a few vegetarian options, that do not include meat.
As for the teas, yes, unless stated otherwise, the majority of teas are made from 100% of tea leaves. One common exception is Genmaicha that is made from tea leaves and roasted rice.