Thé du mois - septembre 2021

September Tea of the Month – Sencha of the Brightness with Akky  

Hello and welcome back to our third tea of the month and we are very excited to bring you the one and only Obubu President and our Lead Tea Farmer, Akky-san!    

For September, Akky is recommending another fantastic, shaded tea but this time it is a summer tea which was shaded for two weeks.  

What a fantastic tea, and Akky is going to show us his way to brew this tea he cultivated and processed.   Normally summer teas tend to have a little bitterness to them however this tea is softer and sweeter in flavour.  

Let’s brew together!   What do you need?!  

Sencha of the Brightness (link)    



Boiling Water  


Passion – Akky’s strong recommendation    

If you want to brew with the same tea pot we have a tea brewing set (different cups than those pictured in this blog) which fits this brewing style perfectly!  

Let’s start by making sure that we have boiling water, our hotpot was at 100°c (214°f) or as Akky likes to say, super hot.  

Next we will pour about 150ml of ‘Super hot’ water into the Kyusu and make sure to praise the kettle for the good work of heating the water. We want to feel the temperature of the kyusu to know when is the right time to brew. Be careful, as the kyusu is very hot, around 90°c. We will then pour the water in the cups we have to cool the water down further. And lets drink! Cheers! Oh nooo, its just normal boiled water! Next of course then we need to put some tea into our now empty Tea Pot. But how much shall we put in? Well Akky only measures by his feeling, with a couple of shakes of the bag of tea Akky-san reckons that there was about 9 grams of tea in total. The aroma from the hot tea pot now is amazing, please enjoy it! Don’t forget to seal the tea if you can to make sure the tea stays as fresh as possible!   Now the cups of hot water will be about 80°c which is a little hot for brewing a. first infusion of this tea. However, Akky-san really likes hot brewed tea   So next please pour the water from the cups into the Kyusu to start the brewing! Akky-san brewed for only about 30 seconds as the water temperature was a little hot!   When we pour we want to pour in an even amount for every cup to make sure everyone enjoys the same delicious flavour! The pattern is pour into cup number 1 a little then into cup number 2 and repeat. If you have 3 or more people then please pour double on both ends of the sequence and this will even the concentration of tea! Akky-san wants you to look at the tea colour to be able to tell how brewed the tea is. If it is very light then you can brew slower and if it is very dark you can brew faster to achieve the most delicious brew! The colour of the brewed liquor is not a yellow or a green but somewhere in the middle! It’s a super sweet and soft flavour with little to no bitterness to be found at all!   In summary the things you need are:

  • Cups
  • Thé
  • Kyusu
  • Boiled Water
  • And of course..passion!

  So why did we choose Sencha of Brightness today? So Akky produced this tea in July and he believes shaded tea needs to sleep as fresh shaded tea has a little grassy taste!  But this tea has very little bitterness when brewing now! Thank you very much for reading all the way through and I hope my interpretation of Akky is something that can be easily understood!                

Publié dans Brewing, Uncategorized et étiqueté , .

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