Assistant Manager blog WJ Justin [2022.9月~2023.1月]


Hello everyone! Welcome to my first blog! I’m Justin and you can call me Woo Jae also. Right now, I have been working as an ‘Assistant Manager’ since September last year. So, I’ll be uploading a blog each month, showing you guys how Obubu is, what we’re up to and giving you guys some information about what Assistant manger is about. So, look forward to it! 

From May last year, I came as an intern and had so much experience. And, at the end of my internship, it was really sad that I had to go back home. The time went so fast! I wanted to stay at Obubu a little bit longer and there was a chance for me. As you know, Obubu is a very active company with so many challenges. One of the projects they had was to create a new position. This was a perfect chance for me and I got the job! So, this is how I became an ‘Assistant Manager’.



I came back to Obubu on September 28th and it was a totally different experience at first. Although all the work was pretty similar, like farming, processing the teas and tea tours, it kinda felt like having more responsibilities. I remember the day I got my business card. It made me feel really happy to be back in Obubu.



During the fall season, I was pretty busy with harvesting and processing the teas. I almost went to tea fields everyday and worked at a factory. To be honest, I feel sorry because I made so many mistakes. But, everyone encouraged me and I could see myself getting better every day. Also, thanks to all the interns and staff, I could enjoy the fall season in Wazuka.



After the interns left at the beginning of December, Obubu became a little bit quiet with the start of winter. Since Japan’s border has been open since October last year, we’ve been busy with Tea Tours. It’s always nice to see all the guests passionate about Japanese tea. And, I guess I’m enjoying becoming a host on the tour. 

At the end of January, we welcomed 3 new interns; Andri, Tran, and Yanis. Also, it snowed on the day the interns came. It was a perfect moment to enjoy the winter in Wazuka. I’m looking forward to having good memories with new interns in Obubu.



One of my favorite things about being an assistant manager is that I can experience all the seasons in Wazuka. I’ll be staying in Japan for a year and it’s really nice to see how each season changes. As the time went by, I got to meet many people and learn something new every day. So, I think that’s one of the good things that an assistant manager can have.

I can’t believe it’s February now. The time has gone so fast. During 4~5 months, I had a lot of great time and look forward to this February too. 

Stay tuned, everyone! See you later :)

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