Genmaicha Teabags (20 bags)


The Genmaicha tea bag is the perfect choice for a busy tea-drinker. It is brass yellow in color, with a light astringency and a rounded finish. Its nutty pecan-like aroma and buttery sweet taste make it a very soothing and satisfying tea.

Our Tea Bags are a safe, non-toxic and 100% biodegradable material made from Soilon ®, derived from vegetable products.

Taste: Sweet
Body: Medium
Texture: Rounded
Length: Medium
Harvest: June
Tea Cultivar: Mixed
Origin: Wazuka
Cultivation: Unshaded
Processing: Steamed, Rolled, Dried
SKU: OB-TE-BG-HO-GE-0040 Categories: , , , , ,
5% discount when purchasing more than 3 bags.


What is Genmaicha?Genmaicha

Genmaicha (玄米茶) is a traditional Japanese tea that has been growing in
popularity in recent years. Genmaicha, actually meaning ‘brown rice tea’ is a composition of Japanese green tea and roasted rice. Combining the two traditional Japanese products tea and rice makes Genmaicha an unmistakable exponent of Japanese culture. Although it is called genmaicha, white mochi rice is usually used to create this blend. This is due to the fragrant aroma the white rice develops by roasting. After steaming, drying and roasting the rice is traditionally combined with Bancha tea in a proportion of 1:1, although this ratio can change depending on the manufacturer. Nowadays a lot of genmaicha variations, such as sencha genmaicha or houji genmaicha are also offered by different tea producers. Some might call Genmaicha ‘popcorn tea’ as some sellers add popped grains that look just like popcorn. The pleasant roasted taste also reminds people a bit of popcorn. This is a good tea for those who are just beginning to get familiar with the taste of Japanese tea.


Farmer Profile

Akky-san Farming Tea

Akihiro “Akky” Kita is our president and lead farmer here at Obubu. His desire to make this tea available to the general public is the foundation of Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms. In college, Akky took up a part-time job as a farmhand in Wazuka, and fell in love with the tea of this region. He made the decision then to leave college and devote his time to mastering the art of tea farming. Recognizing the need for independent farmers like himself to spread the joy of drinking Japanese tea, he travels each year during the winter off-season to bring Japanese tea to people all over the world.








Tea Cultivation, Processing and Brewing Guide

Additional information

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 150 × 95 × 32 cm


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