Tea Storage Tips at Home

Today’s topic is about tea storage! I love tea, but always the flavours decrease before I finish it. I receive high-quality tea as a gifts, but I tend to hesitate to open it because I don’t want the tea taste to become stale before I finish it. You may have felt the same before. I also […]

An Old Tea Box Revival

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I think there are many people who are having troubles or are having a hard time due to the influence of the new coronavirus. I hope that these things will come to an end quickly. At times like this, everyone is amazed with the power of Japanese tea. For […]

A brief summary of Japanese Tea – Carly De La Cruz

This blog post is the creation of one of our amazing previous interns Carly De La Cruz. She came to Wazuka to learn about tea and she delved into the rich history and culture with fervour. It’s always a pleasure to see people so passionate about tea and so keen to learn more about how […]

How to Store Tea Properly

Part of enjoying tea culture is the anticipation of opening a new packet of tea. With the opening of the seal, the delightful aroma is a delightful preface to the cup of tea you are about to enjoy. As we all have experienced, slowly over time, the opened loose tea seems to lose some of […]