Obubu has been recognized as a unique tea venture and featured in a number of TV programs and printed press. For some of the examples please see below. If you would like to feature Obubu in your program or an article please email us at info@obubutea.com
NHKWORLD 2016.11.15
NHKWORLD is an international channel by NHK aired in English. The show provides interesting information about Japanese culture. Obubu was featured as a company which aims to spread knowledge about high quality, Japanese tea to the world by conducting activities such as the internship program and tea tours.
Kansai Information Net Ten (関西情報ネットten ) 2015.10.30
This TV program is broadcast in the evening for Kansai region in evening time. In this program Obubu introduced how to pick tea leaves and and then process them.
Dawn of Gaia (ガイアの夜明け) 2015.08.25
Dawn of Gaia reports on economy trends and provides information of businesses. Obubu was featured as a Japanese tea company that has entered the global market when the domestic tea market was experiencing a decline.
Seyanen I Didn't Know That (せやねん ソラシラナンダ) 2015.05.02
In this program, Japanese comedians report on an attractive place in Kansai region,that not many people know about. Wazuka town is shown in this program and obubu is introduced as a place where you can drink good tea.
Wide Scramble (ワイドスクランブル) 2015.04.20
This is a variety TV show. Obubu interns and Simona were introduced as foreigners, fascinated by Japanese tea. Obubu’s goal to spread Japanese tea to the world is also highlighted.
Vase of Luzon (ルソンの壺) 2015.02.02
It is an economy documentary program which focuses on good business ideas and models. Obubu is introduced as a company with “hospitality and high return” and a lot of attention is paid to the internship programme
Why Did You Come to Japan? (YOUはなにしに日本へ )2014.12.01
The show asks foreigners “Why did you come to Japan?”, and if their reasons sound interesting, the staff followed them for a day to report. Obubu’s tea tour and internship program are highlighted in this program.
Table of Dreams (夢の食卓) 2013.10.26
This TV program introduces variety of unique “tables” from all over Japan. It focused on Akky-san, our president, who jumped into tea farming at a young age. The program also introduced Obubu’s Tea Club - community supported agriculture program and highlighted Obubu`s mission - “Japanese tea to the world”.
Kyo biz W (京bizW)
Kyo biz W is economy information program focusing on products or service of companies in Kyoto and Shiga. They talked obubu’s internet shopping business, Obubu`s Tea Club and tea farming.
Hanasaki Times (花咲タイムズ)
Hanasaki Times is a variety program. In this program, they explained how Japanese tea is produced and the methods used to prepare different kinds of teas.
Newspaper and Magazine
Highlighting JAPAN by Japan journal 2016.11
There are paper version and website version. Both are in English. You can check from here.
Nikkei (日本経済新聞, a Japanese finance publication)2014.06.11
Obubu was introduced in the section of “Kansai spirits to the world.” The title was “Conveying attraction of Japanese tea in English.” It focused on Simona Zavadckyté who is in charge for international sales and logistics in Obubu.
Sankei news (産経新聞)2016.3.21
Kinki Agricultural Administration Office will provide information of the place where tourists experience fun activities such as tea picking or market tour. This information for tourists is in English. Click here to read it.
Kyoto Newspaper(京都新聞)2016.05.23
The title was “Welcome to Village of Tea.” Obubu was introduced a company which promotes the beauty of Japanese tea.
Click here to read it.