Lost in the Kodos

Hi! Hello! Intern #171, Patrick here! During the week at Obubu, we were busy either framming, leading tea tours, or leveling. On the weekends, all bets were off. We interns had easy access to some of the most amazing cities in Japan: Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto. If you were feeling extra spicy, you could make […]

Autumn Season Internship Recap by Gabrielle

Konnichiwa!! This is Gabrielle (intern #161). Sadly, it is my last week here at Obubu.. Where has the time gone?! It has been an unforgettable 3 months full of many memories. My internship period was for the Autumn season and I lived in Wazuka from September-December. Here is a recap of my time at Obubu! […]

Volunteer Event – Kanagawa Cherry Blossom Project

The best cherry blossom production area in Japan: Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture A project to pick cherry blossoms and leaves, make tea and deliver them to the world. We are looking for support volunteers! You think cherry blossoms are for watching! Actually, in this volunteer activity, we pick cherry blossoms and leaves! Details: Date and time: […]

Summer Tea Picking Event Report

On the 10th of July, we had a wonderful summer tea picking event with 5 groups of participants. Once again, we had to limit the number of participants to less than half, but they came with their families and friends. Everyone seemed to have so much fun!   It’s really hot at this time of […]

Contribution from the Tea fields.

In early November, on a clear autumn day, students from Greenfield Studio came to our tea farm at Obubu Tea Farm from neighboring Kizugawa City to Wazuka-cho, Kyoto, for a field trip.   Obubu Tea Farm asks the students for help with labelling tea bags and folding brochures.   This year, since the annual overnight […]

Summer Tea Hand Picking and Hand Rolling Event 2020

On Saturday, July 11, 2020, Obubu’s “Summer Tea Picking & Handmade Tea Making Experience” was held! Due to the influence of COVID-19 this year, Tea Loves from all over the world participated in the situation that it is difficult to participate from abroad! After the greetings and explanations on how to pick the shoots were […]

The Goats Blog

  Hi buddies! This is Hojicha and Sencha the Obubu goats! Today the staff is busy at work so we took the control of the Obubu Blog! Hehehe! It’s been now 8 months since we arrived at Obubu Tea Farm and we will already be celebrating our very first birthday very soon! Time flie-e-e-e-s!   […]

2020 Spring Handpicking Event

Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms Event – The events run through four seasons and are a tea farm tea picking experience, including Tea picking & tea making experience This year, it will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2020.   This is a photograph of the tea picking experience of spring of 2019 last year! The […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Brew, Bake, Fry; Ways to Cook with Tea!

Kai’s Kitchen Bake, Brew, and Fry; Ways to cook with tea!        Hello all! Here in Wazuka things are getting a little crazy. One of our founders, Matsu-san several years ago organized a town wide event called Chagenkyo Matsuri (or TeaTopia) where people from all over the area get together to talk tea, […]

【Kyoto, Uji, Wazuka】Tea Picking and Rolling Event

  Obubu organizes Tea Picking and Rolling Events 3 times a year to celebrate Japanese tea harvesting seasons.   This event is one of popular activities for tea lovers from all over the world. We believe that is because we have welcomed over 90 interns who love Japan and Japanese tea; and who always warmly […]

The 88th Day: Spring tea picking tradition!

Hachijuu-Hachiya, the 88th Day  八十八夜 The 88th day of traditional Japanese calendar, which falls right around May 1st or 2nd, is famous as an important date for farmers, and especially tea farmers. For several hundred years, the 88th day has been considered the best day to start the spring tea harvest. Those tender new shoots […]

Tea in Fukushima, Then and Now…

Four years ago, Obubu traveled to Fukushima as part of a Caravan of Support for the victims of the April 11, 2011 earthquake that had rampaged the region. Wanting to help but feeling powerless in the middle of winter, Matsu-San and Akky-San brought their solidarity by way of tea. Over the course of 20 days, […]

How is Japanese sencha tea hand-processed?

After Akkisan, Obubu’s President and farmer took part in the 宇治茶製法手もみ技術大会 ‘Uji Tea Tea Rolling Competition’ and became 2nd together with the Wazuka Team it is time to explain a little more in detail about the hand- processing of Sencha. There are two ways delicious sencha is produced: a hand rolling process (temomi) and a […]