A year has passed and we are back to Europe! 20 hours of travelling between Japan and the UK, and we are ready to start a new tea journey. Like last year the first stop is London. Invited by our friends Creepy Design, we returned with a traditional and modern fusion as the tour opening.
The event was held at a pub called Stag in a beautiful old building. Even if it meant climbing up the stairs to the first floor with boxes of tea and teaware, the atmosphere of the room made it worth it! Light up with beautiful chandeliers, it was warm and welcoming.
Before the start of the event we got to meet Chelsea, who is writing a book about tea, collecting tea interviews with tea professionals from around the globe. The book will be published at the end of the year, and you will hear about it when it is out.
Returning back to the event, it was a nice occasion to meet old and new friends. With a short introduction from us, and several cups of Japanese tea from our town Wazuka, we got to try some sweet green tea bites and a fruity tea punch made by Creepy Design. Just a few hours after arriving to London, the event with old and new friends was a cosy way to start the tour around Europe.

London Japanese Tea Party – 2nd September, 2014
Posted in World Tours.