TJ Williamson

How would you describe the internship in three words?

Educational. Cultural. Exciting.

What were your expectations from the internship before you came to Obubu?

There wasn’t any structure prior to my internship. My expectations were then simple: I’d be living in rural Japan and learning about tea and assisting with a growing business.

Did the internship meet your expectations?

My expectations were very loose. In several ways the internship was an outstanding experience. In others, it was a jumbled mess.

If you can change anything in the internship, what would it be?

I would would enjoy returning after I established the program to see how much more direction and structure the internship offers.

During which period have you been to Obubu?

Janurary – April, July – October

Which year have you been to Obubu?

2013, 2016

How was a typical day during your period?

The office was in transition to the Obubu House from it’s prior office space. The first months were spent building and converting the dojo into a warehouse. Others were spent renovating the house. Field work was common, as was joining in on events throughout Wazuka and Kyoto. When in the office i was busy with establishing the internship program, analyzing the website statistics, editing the English domain, and interviewing prospective interns.

What was your best memory at Obubu?

Taking the time to walk around and explore the surrounding fields and mountains.

What do you do now?

National Purchasing Officer for a leading retail security solutions company.

Did the internship help you to reach your goals?
