Atelier Matcha à Barcelone - 1er octobre 2015


We visited Barcelona last year and having been invited by young tea enthusiasts Matteo and Sandra form the Tea Lovers Project we had another chance to come to Barcelona this year. To tell the truth Matteo and Sandra have already been working with our tea and before the event they event took us to a tea shop that sells it in Barcelona.


DSC08122With a growing interest in Matcha in Barcelona, we decided to make a Matcha workshop here. We thought to combine both the traditional and the modern sides of Matcha, so the workshop had a presentation about Matcha, tea ceremony demonstration by Simona and Matcha latte making with an electricity powered Matcha whisk, by Matsu-san. Then everyone had to find a Matcha friends and could try making Matcha in pairs.


DSC08136The event was held at the Food Makers Barcelona, that organize cooking workshops and events. To our surprise, they have been already using Obubu’s Matcha for cooking and had made a delicious Matcha roll cake for the event.


To make sure that the event runs smoothly, we had Ismanuel, who teaches Asian culture at university and speaks 8 languages, to translate our speech from English and Japanese to Spanish.


DSC08162To tell the truth the event gathered about 20 people, most of who were new both to us and our coorganizers – what a great chance to grow a tea lovers circle!


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