Sauver un champ de thé !



Hello and thank you!


How is everyone doing?


Here in Kyoto it’s so cold in the morning and at night but gets really hot during the daytime.


Each year the tea harvesting season starts earlier and earlier – I wonder when this year will start …





Today I will Introduce out-of-season deep-cutting!!!


The number of fields has increased suddenly this year!  Considering the workability of fairly large tea trees like this, I figured I would cut deeply and begin its full-scale operation next year!




They’re quite tall and wide, so we’ll use a heavy trimming machine to mow it down to a deep level.





Just like this!


I have one of the intern hold the opposite side of the machine and we mow away all the branches!


The machine is quite heavy…


Phew, I’m already sweating 💦


After cutting …




It’ll look like this!


So much work that it puts you to sleep!!!


There’s so much tea bush that you can use it as a bed!


Then afterwards we pack the leaves and branches in between the rows of tea trees.




Something like this!






Then the sprouts will start to come out before summer!


I’m looking forward to it ^ _ ^


That’s all folks!


– Akky

Publié dans Japanese Tea, Tea Agriculture et étiqueté , , , , , .

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