Tradition estivale au Japon

Original article

Tradition estivale au Japon


Hello Everyone, Today I would like to introduce you to Japanese summer tradition.


Have you ever heard about Nagashi Somen?

Nagashi Somen is one of the summer traditions in Japan.


Somen is a white thin noodle made from wheat flour. It’s usually eaten cold and it is very refreshing and which is why it’s perfect food in summer!


Nagashi Somen is somen that you catch using chopsticks as it flows on a water slide made of bamboo.

It is one of the popular summer treats in Japan but for interns and even myself (who is from Japan) it was very nice experience!



First, we removed a bamboo joint to make a smooth water slide.


And then, we used ladders, straps, and whatever we have that we thought we could use for to make a long long water slide.

Lastly, we adjusted the water amounts so noodles flow nicely.


That’s it!


All what you need to do lastly to enjoy Nagashi Somen is that stand around the bamboo slider and catch the noodles before it passes in front of you and eat!

This time, we prepared 3 different types of noodles which were Somen, Udon and our tea noodle.


However, that was not all!

We also flowed cucumbers



And then, banana as a dessert!!

It was very hot summer day but we all were satisfied with the combination of delicious food and the amazing view of Wazuka.

It was one of the 2020 summer memories we had together with interns.


Please check a short movie about Nagashi Somen out on our youtube channel, too!

Publié dans Interns, Uncategorized, Wazuka et étiqueté , , , , , .

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