Cultivating Knowledge: Enjoying the Outdoors in Wazuka

by CC Monett (Intern #183) Instagram: @cc__emx Interning at Obubu Tea Farms this autumn has been a blend of physical labor, knowledge-sharing, and deepening connections to the land and plants that make this place so special. One of the projects I’ve taken on here is crafting a guide to gardening and farming, specifically aimed at […]

Assistant Manager Blog by Alix [Summer 2024]

Hello everyone! You might have read my Spring Blog about my first quarter at Obubu. If you are interested in learning more about what assistant managers get up to in the summer and what I did in my second quarter here, keep reading! Summer in Japan is no joke: 37°C at 80% humidity is what the […]

2024 National Hand Rolling Competition experience

Hello, staff member Pau here. On the 14th of November, the National Hand Rolling Competition was held in the city of Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture. As per tradition, the Wazuka Hand Rolling Preservation Society participated, representing Wazuka in the competition. If you missed the news, last year’s team, consisting of Kenta-san, Simona, and our very own […]

Wagashi Workshop 和菓子つくり体験 by #170 Kali

Wagashi (和菓子) are traditional Japanese sweets that are typically paired with matcha. There are various types of Wagashi, distinguished by their shapes, ingredients, and preparation methods. Some popular examples include Namagashi (生菓子), Daifuku (大福), and Dorayaki (どら焼き). During the Obubu wagashi-making class, Ishida-san taught us how to create Namagashi, which is commonly served during traditional […]

Birds of Wazuka by #167 Lana

Hello, my name is Lana and I am intern #167. I came to Wazuka and Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms at the very end of the winter. Because of that, I was lucky enough to see the nature wake up and birds start singing. One of my co-interns mentioned that our Kukichas were named after the […]

Sipping Success: The Art of Signage for Small Tea Businesses

Ah, the tale of the old signs  The Wazuka rain may have been our ally in nurturing our tea crops, but when it came to our road signs, it left travellers squinting and scratching their heads. It was a bittersweet realisation for us at Obubu – while these road signs had served us faithfully for […]

Japanese Summer Internship

Hello everyone, Jean here! I’m an Assistant Manager at Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms and I am notably in charge of the internship programme. It’s a pleasure sharing about our lives in Japan and especially related to tea. Spring is on its way now and Obubu is preparing for the harvest season. We are so happy […]

Cycling guide around Wazuka and Kansai

Hello everyone welcomes to our cycling guide of Wazuka, we’ll provide you with essential information about the best cycling routes, whether you’re an avid cyclist seeking a challenging ride or traveler looking for a tranquil escape. Wazuka Tea Field Exploration: Exploring Wazuka covers approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) with an elevation gain of 430 meters. […]

Assistant Manager blog WJ Justin [2023.02月~03月]

Hello everyone! It’s me, WJ Justin! Coming back with updates from February to March. It feels like time flies so fast! February and March passed in a flesh! How was your February and March? Well, for me, I think it was very intense with a lot things happened at Obubu. And, I would like share […]

Assistant Manager blog Jean [2023.04月]

Hello everyone! My name is Jean, and I am working as an Assistant Manager at Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms in Wazuka. I am also a former intern at Obubu. You are presently reading my first blog post! Yaaaaaay! This blog will be about my life in Japan and what Obubu has been up to. You […]

Crystal Geyser & O.S. 99 Experiments

Intern Tea Potato here with even more water experiments!   The Waters The two waters we’ll be experimenting with this week are Crystal Geyser and Onsen Sui 99. Crystal Geyser comes from the United States of America. There are several different springs from where the water is sourced, so it’s important to check the bottle […]

Toshi-san cuts into a daifuku mochi with a knife. He is standing in his factory.

People of Wazuka: Toshi-san

Japanese sweets and tea are often served together. The connection between Obubu Tea Farms and Midoriya’s Toshimasa-san also runs deep. He often brings us delicious mochi to eat while we drink tea together. That’s why our intern’s have given him the endearing nickname “Mochiman”! Recently, we were able to speak with him about tea, sweets, […]

Tea Adventures in a Gyokuro Tea Field

Hey everyone, it’s Marie from Obubu, it’s been a while! Japan has been very hot recently! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your time wherever you are on earth! It’s the middle of July this week, and the second tea harvest is almost over…! Time flies by…this year too, since spring, all […]

Snowy Day

Wazuka under the snow since a long time!   Hello everyone! This is Marie from Obubu! It’s been so long since it didn’t snow this much in Wazuka, so when we saw the snow falling the other day, we decided to head to the mountains with a part of the Obubu Team to take some […]

President Akky introduces Obukucha

Hi! Hello everyone!! How are you doing!? Hello, my name is Akky!   Today, We would like to share with you how to brew Obukucha . And today we have a special guest. You haven’t heard of him yet! It’s Mr. Sato!   Mr. Sato is from Fukushima Prefecture. He is here in Wazuka to […]

【Intern Introduction】No.126 Kenji Tanimura

【Intern Introduction】No.126 Kenji Tanimura   We welcomed a new talent to Obubu, intern No.126, Kenji Tanimura.   He is originally from The Philippines and now lives in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.   Actually, he is a friend of our former intern, Mikie(No.123). He saw Mikie’s activities at Obubu on social media and got interested in our […]

Summer Tradition in Japan

Original article Summer Tradition in Japan   Hello Everyone, Today I would like to introduce you to Japanese summer tradition.   Have you ever heard about Nagashi Somen? Nagashi Somen is one of the summer traditions in Japan.   Somen is a white thin noodle made from wheat flour. It’s usually eaten cold and […]

Summer Tea Hand Picking and Hand Rolling Event 2020

On Saturday, July 11, 2020, Obubu’s “Summer Tea Picking & Handmade Tea Making Experience” was held! Due to the influence of COVID-19 this year, Tea Loves from all over the world participated in the situation that it is difficult to participate from abroad! After the greetings and explanations on how to pick the shoots were […]

An Old Tea Box Revival

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I think there are many people who are having troubles or are having a hard time due to the influence of the new coronavirus. I hope that these things will come to an end quickly. At times like this, everyone is amazed with the power of Japanese tea. For […]

Preparing a Tea Garden for Planting

Welcome Everybody! How are you doing ? Replanting is about to end! Creating a path for the tea truck in the middle of the field ~ Remove the large stones while smoothing out the fine unevenness of the ground! When you dig up the soil, the stones come out of the way and it gets […]

Planting a Tea Garden

Today is a sunny day and the staff and the intern all planted baby tea trees. The variety is called Saeakari and it is the first time we are planting this cultivar! This is going to be a gyokuro tea field, so we will set up more shading shelves for this. We are making it […]

A brief summary of Japanese Tea – Carly De La Cruz

This blog post is the creation of one of our amazing previous interns Carly De La Cruz. She came to Wazuka to learn about tea and she delved into the rich history and culture with fervour. It’s always a pleasure to see people so passionate about tea and so keen to learn more about how […]

Tea Club News

10 years have passed since Obubu tea farms started the tea club membership  system and supported by tea club members! It has been 10 years since we started our Tea Club Community and we are planning various new additions to renew the tea club membership system for the next 10 years! Totaling 35 countries! What […]

Memories of an Intern

Foreword Early in 2020 we had the pleasure of welcoming Ryuiti Izawa, a Japanese Masters Student, who studies tea at Shizuoka university. We are all so glad we were able to meet him and learn more about the details of tea genetics and diversity within it. He has written this blog post about his time […]

The Goats Blog

  Hi buddies! This is Hojicha and Sencha the Obubu goats! Today the staff is busy at work so we took the control of the Obubu Blog! Hehehe! It’s been now 8 months since we arrived at Obubu Tea Farm and we will already be celebrating our very first birthday very soon! Time flie-e-e-e-s!   […]