Sweet Sakura Tea 2020

Sweet Sakura Tea Marie


Sweet cherry tea is also available this year!



What is Obubu Tea? Obubu Intern Raw Tea Sample Sakuracha

This year, Obubu is preparing sweet cherry tea for spring!

In Japan, cherry tea pickled with salt and plum vinegar is common and the most drunk, but for a few years now, Obubu has been making it every year considering a sweet version of this traditional recipe.

Sweet cherry tea is the most unusual product because there is no place other than obubu, and it is very popular not only in Japan but also overseas!

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Desalting the salty cherry tea made by the traditional method, soaking it in water for two days, then cutting the stem and dusting the dried cherry buds with sugar, it’s easy to make, but in fact it is quite fine and a lot It is a process that requires attention!

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Thanks to you, we had a wonderful intern again this year, so we were able to make a lot of delicious and beautiful cherry tea!

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Nick, a Bulgarian from the end of the year, Alex, an American from mid-February, and Nicole, a German from the middle of February, have been working very hard recently, so we have already completed 50kg. It was!

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For how to use sweet cherry tea,

Put the buds in hot water as it is, and have a sweet and subtle scent

It is common to enjoy the beauty of the petals that slowly open,

I think it’s very fashionable and interesting to use it for cherry ice or for cocktail or soda syrup or topping!

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Sakura Soda • 桜ソーダ🌸 今年も、おぶぶが春に向けて、甘い桜茶を準備しました! 塩漬けの桜茶を脱塩して、砂糖をまぶしたこの桜の蕾は、実はかなり珍しいものなのです! つぼみをそのままお湯に入れ、桜茶として甘くて微かな香りや ゆっくりと開く花びらの美しさに見とれるという楽しみ方が一般的ですが、 桜氷にしたり、カクテルやソーダのシロップかトッピングに使ったりするのもとてもおしゃれで面白いと思います! ご興味のある方、こちらです ✨ https://www.obubu.com/SHOP/ka002-sample.html • Sakura Soda 🌸 Only 2 months left until the so awaited Japanese Cherry Blossom season! And this year again, Obubu prepared for you some Sweet Sakura Tea! Obubu’s original Sweet Sakura Tea is made from the traditional salty Sakura tea from whose we removed the salt and crystallized the flowers into sugar, and is a very rare product. The most common way to enjoy it is to put one flower into a glass of hot water. The flower will slowly open as if it was blooming again and give the water a lovely sweet and flowery aroma. But our Sweet Sakura Tea can also be used in many ways, such as topping to make your desserts or drinks look pretty, enjoyed in ice cubs or used to make syrup! Now, let’s get creative for Spring! Our Sweet Sakura Tea is available on obubutea.com • #kyoto #obubutea #obubuteafarms #greentea #japanesetea #wazuka #wazukatea #和束町 #おぶぶ #おぶぶ茶苑 #カフェ巡り #teafarm #茶農家 #ujicha #teacooking #teacocktails #sakurasoda #sakuradrink #sweetsakura #sweetsakuratea #pink #sakura #cherryblossom #桜茶 #甘い桜茶 #桜 #さくら #桜ソーダ #ソーダ #桜氷

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Sakura Soda • 桜ソーダ🌸 今年も、おぶぶが春に向けて、甘い桜茶を準備しました! 塩漬けの桜茶を脱塩して、砂糖をまぶしたこの桜の蕾は、実はかなり珍しいものなのです! つぼみをそのままお湯に入れ、桜茶として甘くて微かな香りや ゆっくりと開く花びらの美しさに見とれるという楽しみ方が一般的ですが、 桜氷にしたり、カクテルやソーダのシロップかトッピングに使ったりするのもとてもおしゃれで面白いと思います! ご興味のある方、こちらです ✨ https://www.obubu.com/SHOP/ka002-sample.html • Sakura Soda 🌸 Only 2 months left until the so awaited Japanese Cherry Blossom season! And this year again, Obubu prepared for you some Sweet Sakura Tea! Obubu’s original Sweet Sakura Tea is made from the traditional salty Sakura tea from whose we removed the salt and crystallized the flowers into sugar, and is a very rare product. The most common way to enjoy it is to put one flower into a glass of hot water. The flower will slowly open as if it was blooming again and give the water a lovely sweet and flowery aroma. But our Sweet Sakura Tea can also be used in many ways, such as topping to make your desserts or drinks look pretty, enjoyed in ice cubs or used to make syrup! Now, let’s get creative for Spring! Our Sweet Sakura Tea is available on obubutea.com • #kyoto #obubutea #obubuteafarms #greentea #japanesetea #wazuka #wazukatea #和束町 #おぶぶ #おぶぶ茶苑 #カフェ巡り #teafarm #茶農家 #ujicha #teacooking #teacocktails #sakurasoda #sakuradrink #sweetsakura #sweetsakuratea #pink #sakura #cherryblossom #桜茶 #甘い桜茶 #桜 #さくら #桜ソーダ #ソーダ #桜氷

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桜アイス煎茶 🌱🌸 Sakura Iced Sencha Tea ついに和束町でも桜が満開になりました〜 せっかくなので、今日は春らしい味わいの在来 かぶせ煎茶 『風の煎茶』に 美しく咲くおぶぶの甘い桜茶を入れてみました! 外でも、グラスの中でもお花見で幸せ!🌸😍 . おぶぶの全ての商品はネットショップ obubu.comで購入できます✨ . 🎵 Kukita Kaoru – Le Temps des Cerises . All our products are available on obubutea.com ✨ . #kyoto #obubutea #obubuteafarms #greentea #japanesetea #wazuka #wazukatea #宇治茶 #京都 #和束茶 #和束町 #おぶぶ #おぶぶ茶苑 #カフェ巡り #teafarm #茶農家 #teacooking #sakuradrink #sweetsakura #sakura #cherryblossom #桜茶 #甘い桜茶 #桜 #さくら #桜氷 #お花見 #グラスの中でお花見 #風の煎茶 #在来のお茶

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If you have any other ideas, please share them on SNS!

If you want to buy sweet cherry tea, please visit the product page here!

A close up of a flower Description automatically generated– Marie

Posted in Brewing, Japanese Tea, Tea Recipes and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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