Le blog des chèvres


Hi buddies!

This is Hojicha and Sencha the Obubu goats!

Today the staff is busy at work so we took the control of the Obubu Blog! Hehehe!

It’s been now 8 months since we arrived at Obubu Tea Farm and we will already be celebrating our very first birthday very soon! Time flie-e-e-e-s!



We were so tiny last spring! We got pretty big in these last months !



But as we are Tokarayagi, a type of small goats, even as adults we won’t become very big and tall, which means that we will always stay cute, not like ordinary goats…! Hehehe!



Since our arrival in Wazuka town, we have already received so much love from so many people!

A lot of people from the neighborhood come to see us everyday, to play with us and give us delicious vegetables and cuddles !





Sometimes we are also lucky enough to meet people from all over the world. We heard that some of them come especially to see us! We’re gonna become the new stars of Wazuka! Hehehe!

On weekends, we like to go and chill by the river or hike in the tea fields with our Mom when she has time! This is also the opportunity for us to meet some our fans and do some promotion for Obubu!


But don’t think that we spend all our time chilling and being pampered!

As tea farmer goats, we have a lot of work during the on-season and we take our responsibilities as weeding managers very seriously!


In Spring and Summer, our work involves the maintenance of the garden around the office and the tea room! We spend a lot of time in the tea fields as well as eating all sort of grasses and weeds to help keep the tea bushes tidy for the harvests!

But this is not all! We also play an important role of supporter for our beloved staff and interns who work hard to host our Tea Tours and produce our teas here, bringing them soothing and funny moments in their busy times!

It is also a lot of fun yelling at the tourists and guests to welcome them on their arrival to Obubu’s Tea Farm!


Thanks to everybody in Wazuka and at Obubu, and thanks to all the people who come to meet us or send us their support from far away. We can enjoy every single day here as the  happiest goats in the world! Thank you so much!


Winter is not finished yet and it’s still pretty cold here, but don’t forget to come to visit us in Spring during your trip in the beautiful Wazuka!

We can’t wait to meet you all!

If you want to follow our goat adventures, check-out our Japanese Instagram account @kyoto_obubu ! Our Mom posts a lot of photos and videos of us in the stories!


See ya next time! ♡



Publié dans Adventures In Tea!, Local Events, Wazuka.

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