Planting a Tea Garden

Today is a sunny day and the staff and the intern all planted baby tea trees.

A green plant in a garden Description automatically generated

The variety is called Saeakari and it is the first time we are planting this cultivar!

This is going to be a gyokuro tea field, so we will set up more shading shelves for this.

We are making it with this long term plan however we can also try making other teas from this too!

It is one of the pleasures of making tea.

This seedling is a very healthy seedling with strong roots.

It seems to get power in this field!

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Akky is very happy about the new tea garden!

A group of people in a field Description automatically generated

I will explain how to plant from Akky.

Following the centre line we will alternately plant in zigzag on both sides.

This method of planting is very important and will affect the spread of tea plants from here.

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Are they lined up nicely next to each other?

Here we have some of the interns!

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A picture containing outdoor, car, grass, person Description automatically generated

A person sitting in a dirt field Description automatically generated

A person standing on a dirt road Description automatically generated

A person that is standing in the dirt Description automatically generated

We are aiming to plant a total of 1400 baby tea trees and it will be five years before this tea can be harvested and processed!

We are looking forward to how this tea will taste!

And the interns who planted together will return in three months to check their handy work!

I think the memories planted together will remain in this Wazuka land for decades.

I would like you to come back to see the growing tea garden someday and taste the harvested tea.


– Kayo


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