Sakura Picking 2021

This year again we went to pick up some cherry blossoms to make our Sakura Sencha and Sakura Mint Herbal Tea!  Last week end, before the rain comes, our President Akky, some members of the Obubu staff and kind volunteers went on a new adventure in the mountains of Wazuka for our annual beautiful cherry […]

Obubu Mothers Days Gift!

This year we made an original Mother’s Day gift with Obubu tea and sweets! We are sure that all who received are very happy with the set. Gift Sets: 1 – Tea and Japanese Sweets set 2 – Tea and Cookie Set 3 – Tea and more Tea set All sets contain tea harvested and […]

Japan Agriculture Award!

【Activity Report】 50th Japan Agricultural Award! We are honored to announce that we received a special award of 50th Japan Agricultural Award. Especially for under the section of becoming a bridge between producer and consumer in Agricultural industry. This award is to prize for achievement of a company, an organization, a farmer, or individual that […]

Hoji-chai Latte Recipe

Hi everyone, it’s been a long time! This is Marie from Obubu! As you already saw in the title of this post, today’s tea recipe is a delicious Hoji-chaï Latte! A lot of you may already know what Chai Tea is, but for people who have never tried this fantastic drink yet, “Chai” or “Masala […]

Sakura Tea

It was a warm day today. 🌞🌞🌞 🌸 In this season of spring, I made a delicious dish using Obubu’s cherry tea! Salted cherry blossom tea, made using the ancient method, and sweet cherry blossom tea, perfected two years ago, have become Obubu’s most popular products. Today, on my day off, I tried to make […]

Snowy Day

Wazuka under the snow since a long time!   Hello everyone! This is Marie from Obubu! It’s been so long since it didn’t snow this much in Wazuka, so when we saw the snow falling the other day, we decided to head to the mountains with a part of the Obubu Team to take some […]

Japanese Oolong?

If you are following our tea journey for many years, you probably noticed that we’ve been producing Japanese Black Tea “Wakoucha” in the last couple of years. Also, last year, we produced our very first Oolong Tea here at Obubu. It is unlikely that you will find this beautiful needle shape in oolong tea anywhere […]

President Akky introduces Obukucha

Hi! Hello everyone!! How are you doing!? Hello, my name is Akky!   Today, We would like to share with you how to brew Obukucha . And today we have a special guest. You haven’t heard of him yet! It’s Mr. Sato!   Mr. Sato is from Fukushima Prefecture. He is here in Wazuka to […]

【Intern Introduction】No.126 Kenji Tanimura

【Intern Introduction】No.126 Kenji Tanimura   We welcomed a new talent to Obubu, intern No.126, Kenji Tanimura.   He is originally from The Philippines and now lives in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.   Actually, he is a friend of our former intern, Mikie(No.123). He saw Mikie’s activities at Obubu on social media and got interested in our […]

Contribution from the Tea fields.

In early November, on a clear autumn day, students from Greenfield Studio came to our tea farm at Obubu Tea Farm from neighboring Kizugawa City to Wazuka-cho, Kyoto, for a field trip.   Obubu Tea Farm asks the students for help with labelling tea bags and folding brochures.   This year, since the annual overnight […]

New addition for Japanese Tea Books

The research our staff member, Moe-chan did with Professor Lee Jolliffe when she was in Canada about Japanese Tea and Tourism has been published as one of the chapters in the book, Responsible Rural Tourism in Asia. She originally came to Obubu as an intern in 2018 during a year off from her university to […]

Diary written by the Goats

Hi there! It‘s Sencha and Hojicha, the Obubu Goats! It’s been a while since we wrote an article here! We are doing fine as always! This year again, we did our best to weed the grasses of our little office tea field and around the Obubu House and the factory! We were so busy during […]

Matcha Hojicha Cookies

Hello everyone! This is Marie from Obubu! The Tea Recipe that I would like to introduce to you today will probably sound familiar for some of you as our interns already made it so many times here at Obubu: the amazingly delicious “Matcha Hojicha Cookies”! This time, the concept of this recipe video is a […]

Autumn brings new arrivals

This time, we are harvesting our Autumn tea on a clear sunny day. Claire, originally from France, will be graduating tomorrow from her internship at Obubu, also helped with the harvest. I thought she might be a bit sad to see her working in the tea gardens for the last time, but she was as […]

Summer Tradition in Japan

Original article Summer Tradition in Japan   Hello Everyone, Today I would like to introduce you to Japanese summer tradition.   Have you ever heard about Nagashi Somen? Nagashi Somen is one of the summer traditions in Japan.   Somen is a white thin noodle made from wheat flour. It’s usually eaten cold and […]

Lemon cupcakes & matcha frosting + matcha-blueberries Muffins

Hi lovely tea lovers, This week, I got ambitious ! I don’t have 1, but 2 muffin recipes ! The idea was to give a try to a combination matcha/fruits. Fruits such as raspberry, or yuzu, because they have a bit of sourness, are great to be associated with matcha. AND as another constraint, I […]

Comparing Matcha Powders

May it be for baking, cooking, making drinks (anything that comes to your mind!) — doesn’t it ever make you wonder “Hmm, which Matcha should I use?”. At the Obubu house, it is a common question when we are up to something. Before we go through how our taste test went, let us first give […]

Genmaicha powder Focaccia

Focaccia is a popular italian flat bread made with wheat flour and olive oil and usually seasoned with herbs such as thyme, rosemary and oregano, or tomato. Here, I made a version with genmaicha ! It turns out that for some reason, I prepare dishes that require some preparation the day before…But as usual, you […]

What is ‘sustainable agrictulture’ and a new Gyokuro tea field!

Akihiro Kita, the President of Obubu Chaen, has been a tea farmer and processor for about 25 years including his training period. From the emotional encounter with a cup of Kabuse Sencha Tea by experiencing a part-time job at a tea farm in Wazuka,   Introduction to Japanese Tea Akky 16 years ago?! He dropped […]

Matcha Cream Cheese Cookies

We’ve been playing around with recipes recently using other tea powders — somehow straying away from the commonly used Matcha as we want to explore the unique flavors and qualities of the lesser known wakoucha, houjicha, sencha, and genmaicha powders. However, it should also be known that Matcha comes in multiple grades out there that […]

Wakoucha (Japanese black tea) crème brûlée

One fine day, at noon, while Mikie and I were talking about the next recipes to come, we asked George and Moe, whom we were sharing table with, whether they had any idea of dessert. With a sparkle in the eye and a mischievous smile, George suggested, with his British accent : « well, I do […]

Chunky Houjicha Cookies

As a person who is fueled with sugar, I have a special place in my heart (and tummy) for sweets. However, living in the countryside (which is awesome btw), it will probably take a lot of time and distance for me to get my sweet fix. Oh noooo. What to do?! Simple. This calls for […]

Matcha ganache tart

What to do when it’s raining outside and you have free time ? Baking of course ! Today’s treat : matcha ganache tart ! This was a first trial, and finding the balance between sweetness and the subtle bitterness of matcha was quite a challenge. Got this idea one morning while talking with Hiroe, Akky-san’s […]

Herbs and tea ・Our experiment of a mint infused Matcha!

Have any of you been annoyed by the hundreds weed and grasses growing on their own in your garden at home? We perfectly understand… But we have actually a good news for you tea lovers!  Yes, a lot of herbs, plants and flowers are very delicious when brewed with tea! And one of the most […]

Summer Tea Hand Picking and Hand Rolling Event 2020

On Saturday, July 11, 2020, Obubu’s “Summer Tea Picking & Handmade Tea Making Experience” was held! Due to the influence of COVID-19 this year, Tea Loves from all over the world participated in the situation that it is difficult to participate from abroad! After the greetings and explanations on how to pick the shoots were […]