Replanting 2020

About Obubu’s activity this quarter, agricultural work and looking at tea plantations enjoying the agriculture. January Replanting 2020 If we are replanting an old tea garden to replant new tea trees, then we will do this during the winter.   These are the roots of a tea bush that is 40 years old.   As […]

White Enterprise Award!

[Thank you for the award] The White Enterprise Award and Special Commendation Award This time, Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms won the White Enterprise Award and Special Commendation Award.   The White Company Award was created six years ago with the wish of increasing the number of companies (white companies) who value their employees’ happiness, job […]

The Goats Blog

  Hi buddies! This is Hojicha and Sencha the Obubu goats! Today the staff is busy at work so we took the control of the Obubu Blog! Hehehe! It’s been now 8 months since we arrived at Obubu Tea Farm and we will already be celebrating our very first birthday very soon! Time flie-e-e-e-s!   […]

2020 Spring Handpicking Event

Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms Event – The events run through four seasons and are a tea farm tea picking experience, including Tea picking & tea making experience This year, it will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2020.   This is a photograph of the tea picking experience of spring of 2019 last year! The […]

It’s a Replant!

Hello everybody! ~ ^ _ ^ How are you?!   This time we will show you the second stage of replanting!   In the last time, where the tea plantation was, we dug out the soil and installed drainage pipes! ,   I am digging a ditch with the excavator! Originally, this was a bad place […]

Award Winning Obubu!

【Award report】The Food Service Organization for excellence in commerce for export Japan product In the first year of Reiwa, we received a prize an award, the Chairman’s Award, from the Chairman of the Food Service Organization for excellence in commerce for exporting Japanese products.   This award is for companies engaged in the export of […]

Cuttings Day!

Hello everyone! It’s already January, aren’t you feeling under the weather with more cold and warm days? This time, I did the cutting with the help of our intern students! First, we cut the elongated tea branches and leaves directly from the field with scissors,  this becomes the base of the cuttings. Take the branches […]

Our New Warehouse!

We want to send tea from our new warehouse! There is a 150-year-old warehouse between Obubu Tea House and Obubu House. We make and also send the tea to our customers and our Tea Club Members! The refreshing aroma of the new tea season and the scent that the rich umami of freshly roasted green […]

Nick Kandilarov intern #115

  Today, I would like to introduce one of the interns!   This time it’s intern No.115, Nick from Bristol the United Kingdom originally from Bulgaria!   Speaking of Bulgaria, it is the country that everyone in Japan knows for its famous yogurt. Nick, moved to Bristol to five years ago and has been stocking […]

Autumn Moon Sencha Production Day

  In September last year we started out our Autumn Harvest season with a harvest and production of our Autumn moon sencha. The field we harvested may be recognisable to some of our tea tour guests! We started the day by headed into the fields at 8:00am and made our way through the rows of […]

The Magic of Hojicha

    When asked ‘What is your favourite tea?’, one tea which I find myself drinking every day is Hojicha it’s soothing, robust and always a good choice. I may be bias on my opinion for this tea, however, once you have tasted this tea you will feel the same I have no doubt!   […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Fine Tea and Brownies

Kai’s Kitchen Fine Teas and Brownies   Greeting friends. Well this is it. We’ve come a long way, but all good things must come to an end eventually. But don’t think that just because this is the last Kai’s Kitchen post, I didn’t want to make one last satisfying dish for you all. We’ve run […]

Kai’s Kitchen – An entree Steeped in History

Kai’s Kitchen An entree Steeped in History        What’s good y’all? Welcome back to the 5th installment of Kai’s Kitchen! Well ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between – we have arrived at the main course. We’ve had an appetizer, soup, fish, salad, and now we have our entree! For something as important as […]

Kai’s Kitchen- Roasted Rice and Leafy Greens

Kai’s Kitchen Roasted Rice and Leafy Greens        Welcome back all! Welcome back to another mouth watering installment of Kai’s Kitchen! This week we are going to go for something a little lighter and more refreshing. The next dish we have is a palate cleanser, but is still deep and complex in flavor. […]

Kai’s Kitchen – 1 Fish, 2 Teas

1 Fish, 2 Teas Kai’s Kitchen        Howdy all! We are back at it with more tea cooking, and this week I’ve found something very cool for you all. We are moving on to the later courses of our meal, so time for something a little more filling. We had amuse bouche (appetizer) […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Tea and Soup? A Matcha made in Heaven!

Kai’s Kitchen Soup and tea? A matcha made in heaven!         Buenos Dias friends! This week we are continuing our 6 course meal with something sweet and refreshing. After our first dish (Kabuse Parm Bruschetta), we are shooting for something a bit lighter, but still satisfying, so this week we have a light […]

Kai’s Kitchen – Brew, Bake, Fry; Ways to Cook with Tea!

Kai’s Kitchen Bake, Brew, and Fry; Ways to cook with tea!        Hello all! Here in Wazuka things are getting a little crazy. One of our founders, Matsu-san several years ago organized a town wide event called Chagenkyo Matsuri (or TeaTopia) where people from all over the area get together to talk tea, […]

Kai’s Kitchen- Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer

Kai’s Kitchen Nothing more appetizing than a good appetizer         Hello all! Welcome back to Kai’s Kitchen. This week we kick things off by leaning a bit into the savory side of things. Japanese Tea is very well known for its insane umami flavor. Umami is a word overused and not very well […]

Kai’s Kitchen

Kai’s Kitchen Not Just for Brewing         The world of tea is a deep and ancient one. Japanese tea stretches back to the 9th century when a Buddihist monk brought the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) back from China and planted it in Kyoto, Uji. From that point, Japan has had tea ingrained into […]


Obubu Tea Powders using Hojicha, Sencha and more

Have you tried a Matcha ice cream, Matcha cookies or even a Matcha smoothie, yet? I bet you did! Matcha is going crazy all over the world in recent years. Not only because of the color of this famous tea powder, but also due to its many health benefits. What, if we told you that […]

【Japanese Tea Internship】Intern No.100 Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Moe from Japan, and I am a intern coordinator at Obubu. I have been writing some article on our Japanese website about our internship students since this April and from now am going to translate it so I can share more information about Japanese tea, Obubu, Internship Program and more! […]

Japanese Tea Events in Paris 6th-7th September, 2018

Paris was also a first – a first time to collaborate with the La QuitEssence tea school. We got a chance to meet the founder of the school – Carine, last year, when we stopped in Paris. We spent the whole afternoon chatting about tea, its flavours and aromas, that by the end we decided […]

Japanese Tea Workshop in London 11th September, 2018

The next stop after The Hague was London and here, same as last year, we got to collaborate with Jane Pettigrew and the UK Tea Academy. This year in London we had one event – Japanese Tea Workshop to provide an introduction to and an overview of Japanese tea. There were plenty of teas to […]

Japanese Tea Events in Milan 3rd September, 2018

We have been returning to Milin for several years. This year was the first time to hold tea events with the ProTea Academy. Simona got an opportunity to meet one of the founders – Salvatore in a Japan Tea Export Promotion Council organized tea program in 2017. Since then they stayed in touch and agreed […]

Japanese Tea Events in Madrid 13th-14th September, 2018

Madrid is always a nice city to visit and this year we had some unique tea activities there. In Madrid we spent two days. One day was a collaboration with Japan National Tourism Organization. With JNTO we had two activities to promote Japanese tea and tourism to the people in Spain. Thanks to JNTO’s wide […]